Decades of systemic racial disparities in funding rates at the NSF: Review for Preprint Review November

November 3

Today’s reviewed Preprint is:

Title: Decades of systemic racial disparities in funding rates at the National Science Foundation

Server: Open Science Framework

Link to preprint:

How I found out about it: Social media

Time taken: 2 hours

Link to my review:

Contact with authors:

Brief interaction on social media several months ago; sent an email to all authors with emails listed in the preprint immediately after posting review.

General comments:

This is a very detailed preprint with lots of Supplementary Figures that I’m very interested in, so this took me some time, and in particular I really checked through certain parts of it because of current work I’m writing up that this relates to. This came out some months ago, so my comments may be of limited use. I didn’t have much to add; the manuscript is laid out really well, and the major points from the data are well-justified. I will probably give this a closer read as I work on bringing out the parts that I’ll be citing, but overall it fits in well with the larger context of work about racial disparities in federal funding in STEM. And for data nerds for me, they gave so much detail on what the data can and cannot tell us, and spelled out processes at NSF in a very clear and helpful way, so this is a really useful resource that I may even print out to have on my bookshelf (yes, printing all those pages shows just how likely I am to read this in the future repeatedly)!

Any updates will be posted below here with a date!


Knowledge and motivations of training in peer review: an international cross-sectional survey: Review for Preprint Review November


“Preprint Review November”: Taking some time to experiment with preprint peer review