Online training in manuscript peer review: a systematic review: Review for Preprint Review November

November 7

Today’s reviewed Preprint is:

Title: Online training in manuscript peer review: a systematic review

Server: medRxiv

Link to preprint:

How I found out about it: Presentation at Peer Review Congress by first author

Time taken: 0.5 hours

Link to my review: Review on PREreview

Contact with authors:

Sent an email to all the corresponding author after the conference, stating intent to review this and another of their preprints. I emailed the corresponding author about both after reviewing this preprint.

General comments:

This was very quick to review, it’s a very straightforward but useful systematic review of the state of online evidence-based peer review training, and the short answer that there is basically not really sufficient training - I saw the talk about this work at the Peer Review Congress in September, and it’s quite remarkable how few resources there are, so it’s great that someone went away and actually did this analysis; it’s certainly a good motivator for thinking about training and what’s available. I was personally very surprised how little online training there is; but I had never really gone through and looked, so this is really helpful work.


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